What are the impacts of acceleration on student learning?
Does acceleration work?
Do streaming (mixed ability versus similar ability grouping) and retention both have undesirable impacts on students?
Is it better to have mixed ability classes or to ‘stream’ children for some subjects, whilst ensuring that teachers do still look at the needs of their individual students?
Do ability-based streaming groups benefit students' learning?
No doubt if class sizes were reduced but everything else was held constant, the effect size would be minimal. But, wouldn't smaller class sizes allow for more time and effort to be spent on the things that do make a difference?
What are your thoughts about research that suggests that class size does not matter?
Is there a number of disabled students (as a percent), who when added to a classroom, will negatively impact the overall achievement of the classroom as a whole?
Is there any recent research that show any benefits to combination classrooms (two different grade levels and two sets of standards)?
Why are some of the other school variables such as policies, buildings, school size, and curriculum ruled out in the Visible Learning research?